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La mejor y más eficiente farmacia está dentro de tu propio sistema

Foto del escritor: Anna BelluncciAnna Belluncci

Hola mis amores aprovecho este tiempo de día de vacaciones para compartir unos tips básicos que debemos mantenerlos en nuestros hábitos diarios para mantenernos sanos y fuertes.

Recomendaciones sencillas para reforzar la salud y el sistema inmunológico

disminuir el riesgo al máximo teniendo un sistema inmunológico fuerte.

El sistema inmunológico, compuesto por una red compleja de células, órganos y tejidos, es el encargado de defender al organismo ante las infecciones, como las bacterias y los virus. A través de una reacción organizada, el cuerpo ataca y destruye los organismos infecciosos que lo invaden, cuando el sistema inmune está menos activo que lo normal decimos que las personas tienen una baja en sus defensas, lo cual lo torna más susceptible a contraer infecciones.

¿Qué es el sistema inmunológico?

El sistema inmunológico es la defensa natural del cuerpo contra las infecciones. Por medio de una serie de pasos, su cuerpo combate y destruye organismos infecciosos invasores antes de que causen daño. Cuando su sistema inmunológico está funcionando adecuadamente, le protege de infecciones que le causan enfermedad.

Los científicos han empezado a comprender el sistema inmunológico. Han podido entender el proceso en detalle. Los investigadores están generando más información sobre su funcionamiento y qué pasa cuando no anda bien.

No olvidemos que hay que comer de todo. Una dieta variada con una proporción adecuada de todos los nutrientes (grasas, hidratos de carbono, proteínas, vitaminas, minerales) nos garantiza un equilibrio interno que a la vez sirve como escudo protector.

Mantener un estilo de vida saludable también es una de las mejores estrategias para mantener el sistema natural de defensa del organismo fuerte y eficiente. Se recomienda no fumar, No consumir sustancias psicoactivas, Evitar el estrés y consumir bebidas alcohólicas con moderación si es posible evitarlas. Estos hábitos anteriores té hacen más débil pudiendo enfermarse con facilidad.


De acuerdo con los expertos de la Universidad de Harvard1, elegir un estilo de vida saludable es el mejor paso que se puede tomar para mantener un sistema inmunológico fuerte de forma natural. Cada parte del cuerpo, incluido el sistema inmunológico, funciona mejor cuando se protege de los ataques ambientales y se refuerza con estrategias de vida saludable, como estas:

  • No fumar.

  • Seguir una dieta rica en frutas y verduras.

  • Hacer ejercicio regularmente.

  • Mantener un peso saludable.

  • No beber alcohol, No consumir drogas o sustancias psicoactivas

  • Dormir lo suficiente.

  • Tomar medidas para evitar infecciones (como lavarse las manos con frecuencia y consumir alimentos cocinados).

  • Intentar minimizar el estrés.

Comer mejor que nunca. En los últimos días hemos podido ver cómo los supermercados se vaciaban de alimentos procesados y, en general, poco saludables, mientras que las frutas y las verduras permanecían en los cajones y estantes de muchos establecimientos. Estudios científicos realizados con animales ponen en evidencia que las deficiencias de algunos micronutrientes, tales como zinc, selenio, hierro, cobre, ácido fólico y vitaminas A, B6, C y E, alteran las respuestas inmunes. Si bien es cierto que no hay pruebas científicas que abalen la influencia de la alimentación sobre la respuesta inmune, parece claro que aportar al organismo nutrientes esenciales, tales como vitaminas y minerales, contribuye a su mejor funcionamiento general. Desde la OMS2 recomiendan la ingesta mínima de 400 g diarios de frutas y verduras (excluidas las patatas y otros tubérculos feculentos) para prevenir enfermedades crónicas como las cardiopatías, el cáncer, la diabetes o la obesidad, así como para prevenir y mitigar carencias de micronutrientes.

Mantener un buen estado de ánimo. Según un estudio efectos psicológicos sobre las personas. La separación de los seres queridos, la pérdida de libertad, la incertidumbre que genera la enfermedad y el aburrimiento pueden provocar ansiedad, depresión, y en ocasiones, consecuencias muy dramáticas como el suicidio.

Tal y como recuerdan los autores de este trabajo “El uso exitoso de la cuarentena como medida de salud pública requiere que reduzcamos, en la medida de lo posible, los efectos negativos asociados con ella”. Aunque es muy complicado determinar hasta qué punto los estados de ánimo negativo afectan a la respuesta inmune, la comunidad científica considera que existe una relación estrechamente vinculada entre la mente y el cuerpo, por lo que parece importante procurar mantener un buen ánimo durante la cuarentena. Estar conectado a través del teléfono o redes sociales con los seres queridos, así como limitar el exceso de información, constituye un refuerzo psicológico fundamental en esta difícil situación.

Hacer ejercicio físico diario. Practicar ejercicio de manera regular es uno de los pilares fundamentales de una vida saludable: mejora la salud cardiovascular, disminuye la presión arterial, ayuda a controlar el peso corporal y protege contra diversas enfermedades. ¿Pero estimula también el sistema inmunológico de forma natural? Tal y como explican los expertos de la Universidad de Harvard: “Al igual que una dieta saludable, el ejercicio puede contribuir a una buena salud general y, por lo tanto, a un sistema inmunológico saludable. Puede contribuir aún más directamente al promover una buena circulación, lo que permite que las células y las sustancias del sistema inmunitario se muevan libremente por el cuerpo y hagan su trabajo de manera eficiente”.

Lavar bien y con frecuencia las manos. Esta es una de las principales vías de traspaso de virus de una superficie a otra y entre personas.

Ventilar diariamente todas las habitaciones, incluso en los días más fríos. En espacios mal ventilados y sobrecalentados se favorece la proliferación de virus.

Descansar y dormir adecuadamente es clave para el sistema inmune. Un organismo cansado es más propenso al contagio de infecciones respiratorias debido a un descenso de sus defensas.

Zona libre de humo. Fumar tiene un efecto negativo en el sistema inmune por lo que el mejor consejo es: ¡NO fumes! Las frutas que contienen altos niveles de vitamina C ayudan al cuerpo a desarrollar un sistema inmune fuerte.

Las personas que me conocen saben que como muy saludable amo las verduras las frutas y en general la comida sana de vez en cuando me doy mi capricho de un buen pastel casero de frutas, o frutos secos, hago deporte, medito, escribo, leer y prácticos actividades positivas al igual que en mi entorno cercano. en mi trabajo mantengo mis hábitos de higiene y la relajación de pasar agradables momentos con caballeros como tu eso ayuda a mantenernos en estado de relajación.

El sistema inmune es la defensa de nuestro organismo. Funciona como una "Compañía de Bomberos" que está siempre preparada para actuar. Todos los días responde frente al ingreso de millones de virus, bacterias, hongos y parásitos.

La salud física no es solo una de las más importantes claves para un cuerpo saludable, es el fundamento de la actividad intelectual creativa y dinámica

La mente y el cuerpo están relacionados. Cuando uno sufre, el otro también.

os regalo unos selfis con cariño en este habita natural que amo desde mi adorada España os envió rayos de sol de amor y buenas vibraciones en todos los rincones💖 del mundo que me leen gracias deseo que encuentren bien 💕

Hello my loves, I take advantage of this vacation day time to share some basic tips that we must keep in our daily habits to stay healthy and strong.

Simple tips to boost health and the immune system

minimize risk by having a strong immune system.

The immune system, made up of a complex network of cells, organs and tissues, is responsible for defending the body against infections, such as bacteria and viruses. Through an organized reaction, the body attacks and destroys the infectious organisms that invade it, when the immune system is less active than normal, we say that people have a decrease in their defenses, which makes it more susceptible to contracting infections.

What is the immune system?

The immune system is the body's natural defense against infection. Through a series of steps, your body fights and destroys invading infectious organisms before they cause harm. When your immune system is working properly, it protects you from infections that cause illness.

Scientists have begun to understand the immune system. They have been able to understand the process in detail. Researchers are generating more information about how it works and what happens when it doesn't work well.

Let's not forget that you have to eat everything. A varied diet with an adequate proportion of all nutrients (fats, carbohydrates, proteins, vitamins, minerals) guarantees us an internal balance that at the same time serves as a protective shield.

Maintaining a healthy lifestyle is also one of the best strategies to keep the body's natural defense system strong and efficient. It is recommended not to smoke, not to consume psychoactive substances, to avoid stress and to consume alcoholic beverages in moderation if it is possible to avoid them. These previous habits make you weaker and you can get sick easily.


According to experts from Harvard University1, choosing a healthy lifestyle is the best step you can take to naturally maintain a strong immune system. Every part of the body, including the immune system, works best when protected from environmental attacks and reinforced with healthy living strategies, like these:

No Smoking.

Follow a diet rich in fruits and vegetables.

Get regular exercise.

Keep a healthy weight.

Do not drink alcohol, Do not consume drugs or psychoactive substances

Get enough sleep.

Take steps to avoid infection (such as washing your hands frequently and eating cooked food).

Try to minimize stress.

Eat better than ever. In recent days we have seen how supermarkets were emptied of processed and, in general, unhealthy foods, while fruits and vegetables remained in the drawers and shelves of many establishments. Scientific studies carried out with animals show that deficiencies of some micronutrients, such as zinc, selenium, iron, copper, folic acid and vitamins A, B6, C and E, alter immune responses. Although it is true that there is no scientific evidence supporting the influence of diet on the immune response, it seems clear that providing the body with essential nutrients, such as vitamins and minerals, contributes to its better general functioning. The WHO2 recommends a minimum daily intake of 400 g of fruits and vegetables (excluding potatoes and other starchy tubers) to prevent chronic diseases such as heart disease, cancer, diabetes or obesity, as well as to prevent and mitigate micronutrient deficiencies .

Maintain a good mood. According to a study psychological effects on people. Separation from loved ones, loss of freedom, uncertainty caused by illness and boredom can lead to anxiety, depression, and sometimes very dramatic consequences such as suicide.

As the authors of this work recall, "The successful use of quarantine as a public health measure requires that we reduce, as far as possible, the negative effects associated with it." Although it is very difficult to determine to what extent negative moods affect the immune response, the scientific community considers that there is a closely linked relationship between the mind and the body, so it seems important to try to maintain a good mood during quarantine. Being connected through the phone or social networks with loved ones, as well as limiting the excess of information, constitutes a fundamental psychological reinforcement in this difficult situation.

Do daily physical exercise. Exercising regularly is one of the fundamental pillars of a healthy life: it improves cardiovascular health, lowers blood pressure, helps control body weight and protects against various diseases. But does it also stimulate the immune system naturally? As Harvard University experts explain: “Like a healthy diet, exercise can contribute to overall good health and therefore a healthy immune system. It can contribute even more directly by promoting good circulation, allowing the cells and substances of the immune system to move freely through the body and do their jobs efficiently.

Wash your hands well and frequently. This is one of the main routes of transfer of viruses from one surface to another and between people.

Ventilate all rooms daily, even on the coldest days. In poorly ventilated and overheated spaces the proliferation of viruses is favored.

Getting adequate rest and sleep is key to the immune system. A tired organism is more prone to the contagion of respiratory infections due to a decrease in its defenses.

Smoke free zone. Smoking has a negative effect on the immune system so the best advice is: DO NOT smoke!

Fruits that contain high levels of vitamin C help the body develop a strong immune system.

People who know me know that as very healthy I love vegetables, fruits and in general healthy food from time to time I indulge in a good homemade fruit cake, or dried fruits, I do sports, I meditate, I write, read and practical positive activities just like in my close environment. In my work I maintain my hygiene habits and the relaxation of spending pleasant moments with gentlemen like you that helps to keep us in a state of relaxation.

The immune system is the defense of our body. It works like a "Fire Company" that is always ready to act. Every day it responds to the entry of millions of viruses, bacteria, fungi and parasites.

Eat better than ever. In recent days we have seen how supermarkets were emptied of processed and, in general, unhealthy foods, while fruits and vegetables remained in the drawers and shelves of many establishments. Scientific studies carried out with animals show that deficiencies of some micronutrients, such as zinc, selenium, iron, copper, folic acid and vitamins A, B6, C and E, alter immune responses. Although it is true that there is no scientific evidence supporting the influence of diet on the immune response, it seems clear that providing the body with essential nutrients, such as vitamins and minerals, contributes to its better general functioning. The WHO2 recommends a minimum daily intake of 400 g of fruits and vegetables (excluding potatoes and other starchy tubers) to prevent chronic diseases such as heart disease, cancer, diabetes or obesity, as well as to prevent and mitigate micronutrient deficiencies .

Maintain a good mood. According to a study psychological effects on people. Separation from loved ones, loss of freedom, uncertainty caused by illness and boredom can lead to anxiety, depression, and sometimes very dramatic consequences such as suicide.

As the authors of this work recall, "The successful use of quarantine as a public health measure requires that we reduce, as far as possible, the negative effects associated with it." Although it is very difficult to determine to what extent negative moods affect the immune response, the scientific community considers that there is a closely linked relationship between the mind and the body, so it seems important to try to maintain a good mood during quarantine. Being connected through the phone or social networks with loved ones, as well as limiting the excess of information, constitutes a fundamental psychological reinforcement in this difficult situation.

Do daily physical exercise. Exercising regularly is one of the fundamental pillars of a healthy life: it improves cardiovascular health, lowers blood pressure, helps control body weight and protects against various diseases. But does it also stimulate the immune system naturally? As Harvard University experts explain: “Like a healthy diet, exercise can contribute to overall good health and therefore a healthy immune system. It can contribute even more directly by promoting good circulation, allowing the cells and substances of the immune system to move freely through the body and do their jobs efficiently.

Wash your hands well and frequently. This is one of the main routes of transfer of viruses from one surface to another and between people.

Ventilate all rooms daily, even on the coldest days. In poorly ventilated and overheated spaces the proliferation of viruses is favored.

Getting adequate rest and sleep is key to the immune system. A tired organism is more prone to the contagion of respiratory infections due to a decrease in its defenses.

Smoke free zone. Smoking has a negative effect on the immune system so the best advice is: DO NOT smoke!

Fruits that contain high levels of vitamin C help the body develop a strong immune system.

People who know me know that as very healthy I love vegetables, fruits and in general healthy food from time to time I indulge in a good homemade fruit cake, or dried fruits, I do sports, I meditate, I write, read and practical positive activities just like in my close environment. In my work I maintain my hygiene habits and the relaxation of spending pleasant moments with gentlemen like you that helps to keep us in a state of relaxation.

The immune system is the defense of our body. It works like a "Fire Company" that is always ready to act. Every day it responds to the entry of millions of viruses, bacteria, fungi and parasites.

Physical health is not only one of the most important keys to a healthy body, it is the foundation of creative and dynamic intellectual activity.

The mind and the body are related. When one suffers, the other also.

I give you some loving selfies in this natural habitat that I love from my beloved Spain, I sent you rays of love and good vibrations in all corners of the world. Thank you, I hope you find it well.

Annita Belluncci✨

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